I carried on with my Mr. Men theme today, another popular character - Mr. Bump! He is a careless and clumsy little guy, tripping and falling all the time.. Luckily Mr. Bump fell onto a bed of macaroni today.. lol.. I hope E will be more careful when he is playing , not injuring himself like Mr. Bump always did.. ;) I boiled 2 tiny farm fresh egg, dye one of them with a tiny dot of blue food colour in a glass of water. Slice a section from the top and bottom of the blue egg, and replace by a section of the white egg for the bandage. Cut a small piece from back of the blue egg for the hands and legs. Hope you all have a Lucky day just as Mr. Bump today! :)
Today's Menu will be Sushi! I love to make sushi for lunch whenever I am free. I packed a few for E's bento today.. Hope this bring smiles to his face during his break.. Little Miss E was not feeling well recently, she doesn't sleep well through the night. Hence you will find a zombie mummy at work today, hope I can hang on till end of the day..
My Boy is a big fan of Mr. Men and Little Miss, I bought the first set of Mr. Men's book collection and he was hooked since then. We have read the stories over and over again. Recently I found a good deal at online bookstore - Book Depository .co.uk for the Little Miss collection. And now we are on Little Miss stories every night..lol.. My first Mr. Men bento will be Mr. happy, he has the most pleasant character. He is always cheerful, optimistic and with a kind heart. Hope E will learn from him. :)
After a week long school break, E has back to school this morning.. I save some of the pasta from dinner last night for E's bento. Add in 2 little Mousy sausages dived into the pasta to give E a little surprise..:)
Bento theme for today is a Little Puppywhich is from an hard boiled egg moulded round by hand while it was warm. Attached two pieces of sausages for the ears. Place the puppy on a bed of macaroni (requested by E). Inside the box are also grapes and sausage heart.